Thursday 10 September 2009

Just something I found funny...

A sheep farmer is tending his flock when a city slicker rolls up inhis BMW, hops out and asks, "Hey, if I tell you exactly how many sheep you have, can I take one?" The farmer nods, so the city slicker open shis laptop, calls up some satellite photos, runs some algorithms, andannounces, "You have 1,432 sheep." Impressed, the farmer says, "You're right. Go ahead and take one." So the city slicker loads one of the animals into the backseat of thecar. "Now," says the farmer, "if I tell you what you do for a living,can I have it back?" A gaming sort, the city slicker says, "Sure." "You're a consultant," says the farmer. "Wow!" says the consultant. "How'd you know?" "Well," says the farmer, "you showed up even though I never asked youto. You told me something I already knew. And you don't know anything about my business. Now give me back my dog."

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