Tuesday 27 October 2009

Black Widow Spider

I am the Change Manager hear me roar!!
Rooooaaaaahhhhhh!! My partner would tell me that Rooooaaaahhhhhh!! Is Dinosaur for I love you, but for the subject matter I'm going to use poetic licence and say it's dinosaur for "Please take me seriously!"

I have sort of avoided talking about Change Management thus far, which I guess is strange as that's wear I cut my teeth in the service management world. Maybe I feel like its my baby, and it's hard to talk about your own without getting emotionally attached.......

Every organisation of certain size recognises that they need Change Management, they have and run change management, but do they buy into Change Management??? Considering I have been called a black widow spider while being a change manager, I'm guessing no!

But why? Are we not all working on the same team, is the insurmountable RFC form's benefits not obvious? Can they not all see that discussing change impact in CAB is what makes the process worth while.....

......Why oh why can't they see it!

I guess some people are harder to convince than others, and to put it quite bluntly....any IT organisation that's worth its mustard has process in the backbone, if you don't like process, go work at KFC.....but I hear even they have proven repeatable process that demands adherence.....

Change management has in so many organisations turned into a red tape bureaucratic monster, with rubber stamps of authorisation! I say let's take Change management by the horns and turn it into a lovely well tuned change enabler it so wants to be! Let there be efficiency in authorisation flows, let there be benefit in impact assessments and above all let there be light on the Change management that people want to have!

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