Thursday 8 October 2009

Cost De facto

Fancy words, fancy acronyms....bottom much does it cost?

IT is expensive, and it costs oodles and oodles of money. And I know left to their own devices IT techie junkies would throw heaps and heaps of money at technology that may not always be necessary.

Within the ITIL framework there is a very reasonable section dedicated to the financial management of IT. YES! Gasp....a bad bad word, the management of in we need to manage the costs, balance the tables and make sense of the never ending money pit IT can become. Eeek! What a thought!

To make is short and sweet, and as relatively painless as possible, IT is now considered a SERVICE provider, (take a look at SERVERS VS SERVICES), a service has two main components:

1. Has a benefit
2. Costs money

Those two things are not on a balanced scale anymore. OH NO! Now a day’s benefit needs to out weight cost in order to win the business and the love of your business.

Deal with it, or hire a financial manager who knows IT.


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